Privacy Policy

Protecting our customers’ privacy is an important priority at AllData and we are committed to maintaining strong and meaningful privacy protections. The privacy of your information is a significant responsibility and we value the trust you place in us.

Our Privacy Policy is designed to inform you about the information we collect, how we use it, and your options regarding certain uses of this information. This policy also describes privacy rights you have under certain federal laws.

This policy applies to website visitors, portal users, applicants and AllData customers in the United States. It applies across the AllData family of companies and the products and services we provide. The AllData family of companies includes the companies and joint ventures affiliated with AllData.

Certain services offered to consumers as well as contracts between AllData and its business customers (both U.S. and international) may contain additional privacy-related terms and conditions that are presented in other ways.

Information we collect and how it is used

We collect information when you communicate with us and when you use our products, services and sites. Often our products and services may be as a reseller of the other parties’ products and services such as wireless services, which are offered through a wireless service provider. AllData is not a wireless provider or carrier and is an authorized reseller of wireless services offered by other wireless carriers. Information collected may include information you provide such as name and contact information, images, voice recordings or prints, the reason for contacting us, driver’s license number, Social Security Number and payment information. Service and device usage information we collect includes call records, websites visited, wireless location, application and feature usage, network and device data including battery life and apps on your device, product and device-specific information and identifiers, service options you choose, mobile and device numbers, video streaming and video packages and usage, movie rental and purchase data, TV and other video viewership, and other similar information.

We use this information to establish, monitor and maintain your account and billing records; measure credit and payment risk; provide account-related services; deliver and maintain your products and services; help you with service-related issues or questions; manage and protect our networks, services and users from fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful uses; help us improve our services and research and develop new products and services; authenticate you; determine your eligibility for new products and services and contact you with marketing offers.

When you contact us or we contact you, we may monitor or record that communication or keep a record of the transaction to help us train employees and better serve you.

We may automatically measure and monitor network performance and the performance of your connections to improve your, or our, service levels and products. If you contact us for service support, we also may access information about your computer, wireless device or other device settings to provide customized technical support or to install specific applications or services that you use or that are necessary to the applications or services you use.

Information about your use of AllData products and services may be aggregated or otherwise de-identified for business and marketing uses by us or by third parties. For example, aggregate or de-identified data may be used to improve our services, measure and analyze the use of services and to help make services and advertising more relevant to you.

When you establish an online account or register on our sites or apps, we may collect information about your user identification, password and secret questions and answers. We use this information to authenticate you when you sign in.

We collect information when you communicate with us and when you use our products, services and sites. Often our products and services may be as a reseller of the other parties’ products and services such as wireless services, which are offered through a wireless service provider. AllData is not a wireless provider or carrier and is an authorized reseller of wireless services offered by other wireless carriers. Information collected may include information you provide such as name and contact information, images, voice recordings or prints, the reason for contacting us, driver’s license number, Social Security Number and payment information. Service and device usage information we collect includes call records, websites visited, wireless location, application and feature usage, network and device data including battery life and apps on your device, product and device-specific information and identifiers, service options you choose, mobile and device numbers, video streaming and video packages and usage, movie rental and purchase data, TV and other video viewership, and other similar information.

We use this information to establish, monitor and maintain your account and billing records; measure credit and payment risk; provide account-related services; deliver and maintain your products and services; help you with service-related issues or questions; manage and protect our networks, services and users from fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful uses; help us improve our services and research and develop new products and services; authenticate you; determine your eligibility for new products and services and contact you with marketing offers.

When you contact us or we contact you, we may monitor or record that communication or keep a record of the transaction to help us train employees and better serve you.

We may automatically measure and monitor network performance and the performance of your connections to improve your, or our, service levels and products. If you contact us for service support, we also may access information about your computer, wireless device or other device settings to provide customized technical support or to install specific applications or services that you use or that are necessary to the applications or services you use.

Information about your use of AllData products and services may be aggregated or otherwise de-identified for business and marketing uses by us or by third parties. For example, aggregate or de-identified data may be used to improve our services, measure and analyze the use of services and to help make services and advertising more relevant to you.

When you establish an online account or register on our sites or apps, we may collect information about your user identification, password and secret questions and answers. We use this information to authenticate you when you sign in.

Information provided to us by Third Parties

When you purchase products or apply for service with us, we may obtain credit information about you from outside credit reporting agencies to help us with customer authentication and credit-related decisions.

AllData obtains information from outside companies such as those that collect consumer information including demographic and interest data.

When you use social media credentials to login to or interact with a AllData site or offer, we may collect information about your social media profile, such as your interests, “likes” and friends list. We use this information, for example, to personalize your AllData experiences and marketing communications, to enhance our services and to better serve you. You can control this data sharing via options in your social media accounts.

We also obtain contact information and other marketing lead information from third parties, website “refer-a-friend” options or social media platforms and may combine it with information we have to contact you or direct AllData marketing offers to you.

Information collected on AllData Websites and Apps

When you use AllData websites, portals and apps, information is collected about your device and your visit including browsing, searching and buying activity as you interact with our sites and apps; IP address; mobile telephone, device numbers and identifiers; account information; web addresses of the sites you come from and go to next; and information about your connection, including your device’s browser, operating system, platform type and Internet connection speed. We use this information for operational, performance measurement and other business purposes; and to help us deliver more relevant AllData marketing messages on our websites, on non-AllData websites, by our representatives, via mail and email, or via other AllData services or devices. This information is also used to tailor the content you see, manage the frequency with which you see an advertisement, tailor advertisements to better match your interests and understand the effectiveness of our advertising. We also may use this information to assess the effectiveness of our sites and to help you should you request help with navigation problems on our sites.

Certain AllData vendors may place and read cookies on our sites to help us deliver AllData marketing messages as described above. We require that these vendors provide consumers with the ability to opt out of their use of information for these purposes.

Information you provide

When you contact us for information, we may use the information you supply to provide you with information about AllData services, programs and offerings. Information you provide on our websites about your preferred location and other preferences may be used to provide you with more relevant product recommendations, services and special offers.

We also collect information from you when you participate in surveys or provide other feedback to us regarding our products or services, when you register to receive news or public policy updates, or when you apply for a job with or a grant from AllData. We use this information only for the purpose for which you provide it.

AllData may send you emails or texts that communicate information about your account or about products, services, marketing offers or promotions that may be of interest to you. When you open a AllData email or click on links within these emails, we may collect and retain information to provide you with future communications that may be more interesting to you. Please note that AllData will not ask you to send us, via email, sensitive personal or account information.

Information shared within the AllData family of companies

AllData shares customer information within our family of companies for a variety of purposes, including, for example, providing you with the latest information about our products and services and offering you our latest promotions. You can limit the sharing of certain types of customer information, specifically, Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) and certain credit information, within the AllData family of companies for marketing services to you different from your current services.

Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) is information that relates to the type, quantity, destination, technical configuration, location, amount of use and related billing information of your telecommunications or interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. Federal law governs our use and sharing of CPNI. Credit information includes your credit score, information found in your consumer reports, and your account history.

Information shared outside the AllData family of companies

Except as explained in this Privacy Policy, in privacy policies for specific services, or in agreements with our customers, with the exception of T-Mobile USA, Inc., AllData does not sell, license or share information that individually identifies our customers, people using our networks, or website visitors with others outside the AllData family of companies that are not performing work on AllData behalf without the consent of the person whose information will be shared.

AllData uses vendors and partners for a variety of business purposes such as to help us offer, provide, repair, restore and bill for services we provide. We share information with those vendors and partners when it is necessary for them to perform work on our behalf. For example, we may provide your credit card information and billing address to our payment processing company solely for the purpose of processing payment for a transaction you have requested. We require that these vendors and partners protect the customer information we provide to them and limit their use of AllData customer data to the purposes for which it was provided. We do not permit these types of vendors and partners to use this information for their own marketing purposes.

As described in more detail in other sections of this policy, AllData also may share certain information with outside companies, for example, to assist with the delivery of advertising campaigns, or preparing and sharing aggregate reports. This information does not identify AllData customers individually.

We may disclose information that individually identifies our customers or identifies customer devices in certain circumstances, such as:

To comply with valid legal process including subpoenas, court orders or search warrants, and as otherwise authorized by law; in cases involving danger of death or serious physical injury to any person or other emergencies;

To protect our rights or property, or the safety of our customers or employees;

To protect against fraudulent, malicious, abusive, unauthorized or unlawful use of or subscription to our products and services and to protect our network, services, devices and users from such use;

To advance or defend against complaints or legal claims in court, administrative proceedings and elsewhere;

To credit bureaus or collection agencies to determine credit risk, for reporting purposes or to obtain payment for AllData -billed products and services;

To a third-party that you have authorized to verify your account information;

When you have authorized others to authenticate you or verify your account information; to outside auditors and regulators; or With your consent.

When you purchase services offered jointly by AllData and one of our partners, customer information may be received by both AllData and our partner that is providing your service. For these jointly offered services, you should also review the partner company’s privacy policy which may include practices that are different from the practices described here.

We also may permit advertisers on our sites, apps and services to place ads based on certain information we have about your AllData products and services as well as geographic and demographic data. Information used for this purpose does not identify you individually.

AllData websites and services may include social network or other third-party plug-ins and widgets that may provide information to their associated social networks or third-parties about your interactions with AllData pages you visit or services you use, even if you do not click on or otherwise interact with the plug-in or widget.

How to limit the sharing and use of your information.

You have choices about how AllData shares and uses information.

Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI)

Customers of AllData services may choose to limit the use and sharing of CPNI for AllData marketing services outside of services you currently have. Notice about our use and sharing of CPNI and the choices you have may be provided on your monthly bill, over the phone, via text, in contracts or in other ways.

CPNI Notice

CPNI is information made available to us solely by virtue of our relationship with you that relates to the type, quantity, destination, technical configuration, location, and amount of use of the telecommunications and interconnected VoIP services you purchase from us, as well as related billing information. The protection of your information is important to us, and you have a right, and we have a duty, under federal law, to protect the confidentiality of your CPNI.

We may use and share your CPNI among our affiliates and agents to offer you services that are different from the services you currently purchase from us. If you don’t want your CPNI used for the marketing purposes described above, please notify us by email at [email protected]

Unless you notify us, we may use your CPNI as described above beginning 30 days after the first time we notify you of this CPNI policy. Your choice will remain valid until you notify us that you wish to change your selection. Your decision about use of your CPNI will not affect the provision of any services you currently have with us.

Information about Your Credit

AllData does not share your credit information for marketing purposes outside of the services you currently have or request to purchase.

Marketing e-mail, text messages, postal mail and door-to-door calls

Marketing emails and texts you receive from AllData include an unsubscribe instruction (usually found at the bottom of the email or text) that you may use to opt out of receiving future marketing-related emails. AllData does not market through postal mailings or door-to-door calls.

Information used for online advertising

You have choices about whether certain information collected on websites, including AllData, is used to customize advertising based on predictions generated from your visits over time and across different websites and apps. Please note that many opt outs use browser cookies or device controls and are specific to the device and browser you are using. If you buy a new computer, change web browsers or devices or delete the cookies on your computer, you may need to opt out again. In addition, ads you receive may still be tailored using other techniques such as publisher, device or browser-enabled targeting. You should check the privacy policies of the products, sites, apps and services you use to learn more about any such techniques and your options.

You also can limit the collection of certain website information by deleting or disabling cookies. Most computers’ Internet browsers enable you to erase stored cookies, block all cookies, or receive a warning before a cookie is stored. Disabling cookies may prevent you from using specific features on our sites and other websites, such as ordering products or services and maintaining an online account.

Information security and data retention

AllData has technical, administrative and physical safeguards in place to help protect against unauthorized access to, use or disclosure of customer information we collect or store, including social security numbers. Employees are trained on the importance of protecting privacy and on the proper access to, use and disclosure of customer information. Under our practices and policies, access to sensitive personally identifiable information is authorized only for those who have a business need for such access. Personally identifiable and other sensitive records are retained only as long as reasonably necessary for business, accounting, tax or legal purposes.

Although we work hard to protect personal information that we collect and store, no program is 100% secure and we cannot guarantee that our safeguards will prevent every unauthorized attempt to access, use or disclose personal information. AllData maintains security and incident response plans to handle incidents involving unauthorized access to private information we collect or store.

If you become aware of a security issue, please contact us immediately at 877-324-3424. We will work with you to address any problems.

Accessing and updating your information

We strive to keep our customer records as accurate as possible. You may correct or update your AllData customer information by calling a AllData at 877-324-3424 or by accessing your account online and providing the updated information there. Similarly, updates can be made to your AllData account by calling your AllData customer service representative or sending an email to [email protected]

Information sharing: Blogs and social networking

Some AllData websites, apps and services may allow you to participate in blog discussions, message boards, chat rooms, and other forms of social networking and to post reviews. These forums are accessible to others and information you post can be read, collected, shared, or otherwise used by anyone who accesses the forum. If you post content to information sharing forums, including any information about the movies you rent or view, you are doing so by choice and you are providing consent to the disclosure of this information.

Changes to this policy

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy, so please check back periodically for changes. If AllData elects to use or disclose information that identifies you as an individual in a manner that is materially different from that stated in our policy at the time we collected that information from you, we will give you a choice regarding such use or disclosure by appropriate means, which may include use of an opt out mechanism.

Updated August, 2022

Contact Us

If you have questions, concerns or suggestions related to our Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, e-mail us or contact us at:

AllData Inc.

610 5th Ave #4872

610 5th Ave #4872, New York, NY 10020

Email: [email protected]

Copyright © 2023 AllData All rights reserved

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